Department of Psychology Undergraduate | Neuroscience Research Center | SIU

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Neuroscience Research Center

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Department of Psychology Undergraduate

PSYC 211-4 Research Methods and Statistics. An introduction to the use of scientific methods in the study of behavior. Considerations of experimental design and methodology are integrated with the treatment of data analysis, interpretation of results and writing of a research report. Students will write a research proposal, conduct an experiment, and write a report of the experiment. This course satisfies the CoLA Writing-Across-the-Curriculum requirement. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: 102.

PSYC 222-3 Effects of Recreational Drugs on Mind and Body. Describes the physiological and psychological effects of substances used as recreational drugs for their psychoactive effects. Drugs discussed will include alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine and other stimulants, the barbiturates, methaqualone, the psychedelics, marijuana, tranquilizers, and the opiates. The purpose of the course is to provide the student with facts concerning the effects of these drugs and the potential for their abuse and physiological and psychological dependence.

PSYC 302-3 Introduction to Neuroscience. A survey of the role of biological processes in the behavior of humans and other species. Topics include structure and function of the nervous system, behavioral endocrinology, psychopharmacology, sensorimotor functions, sleep and waking, motivation and emotion, reinforcement, psychopathology, and learning and memory

PSYC 309-3 Psychology of Learning. Principles and laws of learning as derived from the classical and instrumental learning literature — acquisition, extinction, punishment, persistence, generalization, discrimination, motivation, drives, and incentives. Prerequisite: 102.

PSYC 310-3 Cognitive Psychology. A survey of theory and research on attention, memory, language behavior, and problem solving. The principal orientation will be the information processing approach to the study of behavior. Prerequisite: 102.

PSYC 415-4 Psychopharmacology. A survey of the effects of drugs on the normal and abnormal behavior of humans and animals. A primary focus is upon understanding drug influences on behavior in relation to actions on the nervous and endocrine systems.Prerequisite: 211 and 302, or graduate status.

PSYC 416 (3 credits) – Recovery of Function Following Brain Damage. A survey of experimental animal and human clinical research as they relate to behavioral recovery following damage in the central nervous system. Recent theories and literature are stressed. Prerequisite: Psyc 211 and Psyc 302 or consent of instructor, or graduate status.

PSYC 419 (3credits) – Behavioral Genetics. Provides an overview of the experimental and quantitative methods used in studying behavior differences associated with genetic variables. Elementary aspects of genetics will be included in the course, which will examine several aspects of both human and nonhuman behavior. Prerequisite: Psyc 211 or consent of instructor, or graduate status. Zoology 214, Biology 305, or equivalent is recommended

489 (1 to 12 credits) – Seminar Selected Topics. Varied content. Offered as need exists and as faculty interests and time permit. Prerequisite: Psyc 211 and consent of instructor.