Thomas J. Brozoski | Neuroscience Research Center | SIU

Southern Illinois University



Neuroscience Research Center

Thomas J. Brozoski

Office location:
Division of Otolaryngology, Department of Surgery
801 N. Rutledge St., P.O. Box 19629 
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Springfield, IL 62794

Office: (217) 545-6583

Fax: (217) 545-1903


Educational Background:

Ph.D., Psychology, University of Virginia, 1971

M.S., Psychology, University of Wisconsin, 1966

B.S., Psychology, University of Wisconsin, 1964

Research Interests:

Pathophysiology of tinnitus; tinnitus therapeutics; sensory processes; psychophysics

Recent Publications :

Bauer, C and Brozoski TJ (2008) Tinnitus retraining therapy: Impact on loudness, annoyance, and habituation to tinnitus. In Evidence-Based Otolaryngology., JJ Shin, CJ Hartnick, GW Randolph, Eds., Springer Science+Business Media, LLC: New York. Pp 360-364.

Brozoski TJ and Bauer CA (2008) Learning about tinnitus from an animal model. Semin Hear. Aug;29(3):242-258.

Bauer CA, Turner JG, Caspary DM, Myers KS, Brozoski TJ. (2008) Tinnitus and inferior colliculus activity in chinchillas related to three distinct patterns of cochlear trauma. J Neurosci Res. 86, 2564–78.

Bauer C and Brozoski T (2008) Tinnitus: Theories, Mechanisms and Treatments., in Auditory Trauma, Protection, and Treatment., D. Webster, A. Popper, and R. Fay, Eds., Springer-Verlag: New York. Pp 101 – 129.

Bauer CA and Brozoski TJ (2007) Gabapentin, Prog Brain Res. 2007;166:287-301.